Code: AI0107
- A typical system consists of a transmitter that uses the mains electrical network of homes and buildings to generate a signal that is picked up by a handheld receiver via a 120/240 power converter or otherwise is a wireless receiver using induction.
- The transmitter connects to the building’s main power source and uses a ground line to encode and transmit audio from a covert microphone using a proprietary modular scheme. The transmission line scheme operates worldwide with mains voltages from 90-240VAC and 50-60 Hz.
- The signal from the transmitter will also self-induct with larger metal structures that share a common ground and use these structures as a virtual antenna. This allows the audio signal to be recovered from any grounded metal object.
- Remote and covert surveillance system using target area infrastructure as a smart transport mechanism
- Transmits audio over mains lines, telephone lines, audio cables, TV cables, plumbing, stairs and other conductive materials
- Modulation scheme ensures low sensitivity to noise and interference
- Designed for covert operations including LPI/LPD attributes
- Remotely turn on/off the generator and receive on-demand status reports including voltage level, current consumption, output status & temperature
- Rapid deployment (in minutes) and ‘micro-sized’ form factor allows for discreet, time-saving installation
- User friendly, simple design ensures maximum flexibility with minimal training.