RDCP 600 Specifications
Current Profiler Optional Auxiliary Sensor
Acoustic centre frequency: 606kHz Maximum no. of sensors: 4
Number of Beams: 4 Beams Temperature sensor Ref datasheet D360
Processing: ARMA parametric model Pressure Sensor Ref datasheet D357
Transducer slant angle: 25° Conductivity sensor: Ref datasheet D344/354
ilt range : -20° to +20° Oxygen optode sensor Ref datasheet D335/355
Speed range : 0 – 500cm/s Turbidity sensor Ref datasheet D353/384 Horizontal accuracy : 0.5cm/s, ±1.5% of reading
Vertical accuracy: 1.0cm/s Optional Quartz Pressure Sensor
4 Sampling interval: 10 to 60s (default: 40s)
Single ping Statistic noise : 4.0cm/s
5 Range 0 to 60m version: 0 – 700kPa
Range: Low power : 35 to 70m
5 Range 0 to 340m version: 0 – 3500kPa
High power : 40 to 80m
6 Accuracy: ± 0.03% of full scale
Blanking Distance : 300m version: 1m
2000m version: 2m
Cell size range: 1 to 10m (0.1m increment) Optional Wave Software9
Cell overlap: 0 to 90% Pressure based: Wave height, measurement
Maximum no. of cells in one simultaneous with current
column: 100 Parameters: Wave height, Wave Period,
Maximum no. of cells in all Energy wave direction,
columns: 150 Peak direction, Mean
Power level: Low: 20W direction
High: 80W
Auto Attenuation7: 0,-3dB, -6dB Dimention and weights:
Parameters measured: Horizontal speed, vertical Dimensions: D: 160m (fender 187mm)
speed, singleping std, signal H: 580m
strength, ping count, pulse Weight: in air in water
attenuation, heading, pitch 300m version: 19.0kg 12.0kg
and roll 2000m version: 22.0kg 14.6kg
Operating temperature: -4 to + 40°C Frame 4110: 12.0kg 10.2kg
Frame 4110 w/shackles and rods: 15.5kg 13.2kg
Compass and Tilt Sensor
Heading Range: 0 to 360° 1 Tilt is compensated for within this range. Tilt will be measured from –45° to +45°.
Heading accuracy: ±4° for 0 to 35° tilt 2 Upper range slightly lower when the instrument is tilted more than 10°
Tilt range: ±45° 3 Normal scatter condition, statistic noise not included
Tilt accuracy: ±1.5° 4 Based on 4m ping length and cell size
5 The measurement range is highly dependent on the scattering conditions.
RS-485 Connection For waters with low amount of scatters, expect a shorter range than for
Communication type: Full duplex waters with a high amount of scatters
Maximum cable lenght : 1400m @ 38kBaud 6 The blanking distance is defined as the distance to the first data sample
Using Auto-attenuation the initial selected power level will be adjusted
Current drain example according to need
60m range10,11: 60mA 8 Requires suitable cables for balanced transmission
9 Requires Quartz Pressure Sensor installed
External power supply 10 60m range, 10min recording interval, 2m ping length, 300pings
Power input: 7 – 14 Vdc 11 Current drain depends on configuration. Refer the embedded power calculator.
High power input: 13 – 42 Vdc
Specifications subject to change without notice
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